
We Always Offer Special Programs

WOMEN OF TRUTH Inc, a non-profit 501c3 establishment, that caters to individuals striving to recover from substance and mental  illnesses by providing them stability and resources to achieve sobriety.


 Individualize Treatment Plan

 Addiction-Focused Treatment

 Addiction Education

 Relapse Prevention

 Assigned Primary Therapist

 Treatment Plan

# Phase 1- (30-120)days: Together in this home-like environment, they learn to live healthier lives through a connection with others, self, and a Higher Power. Maintaining a balance between the day-to-day activities of work, groups, addiction treatment, and home life offers clients vital life skills in early recovery.

We use Three different Professionals for our clients depending on the orders of the release.

Independent Living the Program

# Phase 2-(120-210)days In this phase, we’re focused on teaching client's recovery life skills as they ease back into a normal working routine. Phase II allows clients the opportunity to apply everything they’re learning in a setting outside of treatment and navigate the challenges that come with the Serenity Rehabilitation House structure and support.

# Spiritual Growth

Willingness, honesty, and open-mindedness are the essentials of recovery (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 568).” These principles provide hope to those struggling with substance use disorder. As clients get connected, they learn to live each day in harmony with themselves, their fellows, and a Higher Power.

Oftentimes, a spiritual awakening is a gradual process and not a white-light moment. Rather than a set of rules or religious beliefs, spirituality is a way of life — the key to recovery.

Transitioning Mind, Body, Spirit

# Phase III (12+ weeks) – These communities provide a sober living environment with the necessary structure to continue practicing the recovery lifestyle with peer accountability and support.


We provide a safe, comfortable and structured atmosphere for our residents. Coastal Sober Living strives to develop an environment of encouragement that will help men develop the tools needed to achieve long-term recovery from alcohol and drugs.


We provide a safe, comfortable and structured atmosphere for our residents. Coastal Sober Living strives to develop an environment of encouragement that will help men develop the tools needed to achieve long-term recovery from alcohol and drugs.



General Education Diploma, Adult Basic Education, College Correspondence Programs, DUI- School, Career Center


Individual, Job Readiness, Re-entry Skills Building, Work Release, Vocational Rehabilitation, Residence Planning, Family Reintegration, DETOURS, Fatherhood Program, Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous, Matrix, Smoking Cessation, AIDS/HIV, Early Recovery, Mentoring Project, Volunteer Supportive Counseling


Family Days, General Recreation, Basketball, Horseshoes, Volleyball, Chess, Checkers, Dominos

Religious Activities

Bible Study, Chaplain Counseling Services, Worship Services


Food Service, Barbershop, Laundry, General Maintenance, General Clerk


Simone Jones is the CEO/ Founder of the women- focused organization “Women of Truth”. The organization’s mission and purpose are to help individuals, families and communities suffering from addiction by directly or indirectly supporting them in whatever way necessary to achieve sustainable, long-term recovery.

She is a seasoned Motivational Speaker and Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialist (C.A.R.E.S./CPA-AD). She has also received Certified Inter-Faith Base Training from the Clinton Foundation, and is a Certified life Coach who received her credentials from Light University. Lastly, she was the recipient of the Jail Volunteer of the Year between 2016-2018 awarded by Gwinnett County.

Known for her no-nonsense, outspoken personality, she uses her speaking platform to engage audiences with her life experiences. She is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and has been in long-term recovery from illegal drugs and behaviors for 25 years. Because of her journey, she has adopted a powerful mantra appropriately named “Dare to Share”.

“Dare to Share” is Simone’s unique way of making people feel comfortable enough to boldly share their truths, hurts and frustrations, as opposed to being ashamed or avoiding them entirely by openly sharing hers. She walks beside you, coaching, mentoring, encouraging, and motivating you to learn how to become transparent with yourself and others. She assists in helping you become the best version of yourself. By using sharing as a type of service in recovery, these open dialogs allow other members the opportunity to offer a different perspective, share inspiring anecdotes or provide advice to those in need.

Simone holds an Associates degree in Theology, from Beulah Heights University and is a Minister at Berean Christian Church.

Excellent Locations!

Men's and Women's Recovery Homes located throughout Eastland Way Snellville

For Inquiries Call


We can help you on your journey through early sobriety.

Get in touch with us!

We offer a practical solution for all your recovery needs!

Women's Of Truth Living helped me stay focused during my initial months in sobriety.

Lindsay P